As Christians, we tend to shy away from the topic of sex too often. We have given over education in this area to the secular world and the media. In my opinion, that is a giant mistake. I believe there should be trust between a man and wife and complete confidentiality of what goes on behind closed doors. At the same time, though, discussing the topic in general does not have to be taboo. Have any of you ever read the Song of Solomon??
"Men put up with marriage for sex; Women put up with sex for marriage."
I was recently introduced to this quote. Immediately, I took offense. Sex is a beautiful thing created by God to be ENJOYED within the confines of the covenant marriage relationship, not endured. Sex is a blessing and not a duty! I do not "put up" with it any more than I "put up" with chocolate or ice cream. This stereotype irks me greatly. It's like we're taught as women that our husband should be a beggar and we should reject him often. I say, why make him beg? "Let my beloved come to his garden, and eat its choicest fruits." Song of Solomon 4:16
"The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive each other, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Corinthians 7:3-5
Yes, in part it is our duty. But there is beauty in the duty. Can you imagine if your husband did not fulfill ANY of your emotional needs as a woman unless you begged him? It would feel ridiculous and meaningless for him to call you beautiful only after you begging for him to. It's the same with sex. If you make your husband beg for it, it is not a very great expression of your love. Sure, he'll still take it, but (and this is a big secret) he wants you to pursue him. The same way you want him to pursue you and still date you, he wants you to pursue him. It speaks greatly to his heart of your love and desire for him.
Now imagine that instead of begging your husband to fulfill your needs he delighted in doing so without a mention of it from you. How much more would that speak of his love for you?! So, yes there is an element of duty to it, but it really is beautiful.
As a Christian woman I refuse to see sex within marriage as either dirty or duty! I will see it the way God intended, as a delight. And since it is a delight to me, my husband has no reason, or chance, to beg.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17 Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
1. Who made you? God
2. Who is God's son? Jesus Christ
3. Of whom is the Trinity comprised? God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
4. Describe the nature of the Trinity. 3 in person, 1 in essence
5. What is God's foremost attribute? holiness
6. What separates us from God? sin
7. What is sin? Anything against God's nature or His law
8. What is the condition of man? total depravity from birth
9. Who does God love? His children
10. How do we become children of God? (Sometimes I ask it this way: What is the gospel?) Repent and believe in Jesus Christ for this is the gospel.
11. How do we know that we are children of God? (among other things mentioned in 1 John) we obey His commandments
12. Who are these persons? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
13. Where is God? He is everywhere.
14. How long has God existed? He has always been.
15. How is man unique? He bears God's image.
16. Who was the first man? Adam
17. What was Adam like at creation? He was good.
18. Did Adam remain good? No, he sinned.
19. What is sin? disobedience to God's law
20. What is the penalty for sin? death
21. What came of Adam's sin? Death came to all men.
22. Why did Adam's sin affect all men? we all sinned in Adam; He was our representative
23. Must all men die for sin? No, God elected some to life.
24. How may we be saved from sin and death? Only through Jesus Christ
25. Who is Jesus Christ? He is God's Son.
26. Did Jesus ever sin? No, only He is righteous.
27. What did Jesus do for His people? He conquered death.
28. How did He do this? He died, then rose again.
29. What else did Christ conquer? all his enemies
30. Are His enemies powerful? They have come to nothing.
31. What did He give to His people? His own righteousness
32. What did He take from His people? their sin
33. How is Christ's work brought to His people? by the Holy Spirit
34. What does the Holy Spirit do? He gives faith.
35. What is faith? resting on Christ for salvation
36. How do we recognize true faith? it yields good works
37. Who are Christ's people? they make up His church
38. What are the traits of His church? the Word, discipline, and sacraments
39. How is the Word a trait of His church? All God's Word is preached.
40. How is discipline a trait of His church? God's people are protected.
41. What are sacraments? signs and seals of God's covenant
42. What sacraments are there? baptism and the Lord's supper.
43. Who is Head of the Church? Jesus Christ
44. What offices has Christ appointed? overseers and deacons
45. Is His Church perfect? It is being perfected.
46. When will it be perfect? at the resurrection
47. What happens at the resurrection? Christ judges all men's deeds.
48. What of those He deems righteous? They dwell with Him forever.
49. What of those He condemns? They perish forever.
50. How does this judgment affect Christ? It magnifies His glory.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Desperate Housewives?
Imagine this scenario with me: Mrs. Smith rises early to spend time in Bible study and prayer before her children awake. As soon as the children rise, she feeds them, cleans them, changes them, and begins the day. Her day consists of training the children through discipline and education (both biblical and otherwise), cleaning, laundry, cooking, and making certain that the house looks like a "refuge" when her husband walks through the door after work that evening. When he comes home she takes time to listen to him and do all she can to make sure he feels...well, at home. She considers her job to be being a wife and mother and finds joy in fulfilling all of her responsibilities the best she can.
Typically, I think women find this image offensive, distasteful, insulting, and possibly even demeaning. All I can say to that is: You have believed the lie. I am in no way offended by the picture of the 1950's housewife. I am not "against" working women, nor do I believe that it is inherently sinful for a woman to work outside of the home. I am, however, against the way that our society portrays the role of housewife. Apparently, we are desperate. "Desperate for what?" you might ask. The only way in which I desire to be desperate is to be desperate for a closer relationship with Christ and a deeper understanding of His Word. Well, we are told they are desperate to get away from their children and desperate to be freed from the oppression that is "housewifery". Surely some women resent their role as woman and would rather shirk their responsibilities than be obedient. They would desire for their husband to suffer for being a man and to cook his own dinner if he wants it. Though the work of a mother and housewife is grueling and calls for supreme selflessness, it is the ultimate fulfillment of God's design for the woman.
I think a lot of women would ask, "Isn't a woman meant to do more than cook and clean?" The short answer to that is yes. But it is through cooking and cleaning and fulfilling my responsibilities within the home that I find so much joy and fulfill God's design. We were designed to be servers and nurturers. That is precisely the reason children run to Mommy when they are hurt instead of Daddy. She has the God-given ability to nurture. When we fight against how God made us we can be persuaded we are happy, but I don't think it is even close to the kind of joy offered in servitude. You do not have to have children to fulfill this call. Keeping your home clean and preparing meals for your husband is fulfilling the call as well. I have found my marriage to be the sweetest when I cease to focus on what I "need" from the relationship and focus on serving my husband. I want to be the equivalent of a priceless jewel in his eyes, not a nag that makes him thankful to leave for work in the mornings.
Admittedly, prior to my conversion being a housewife was more about laziness than it was a fulfillment of my call to duty. Though we are not fighting a physical war, we are in a very real spiritual war. A mother who is truly seeking to be obedient to God has her work cut out for her. It is not all butterflies and sparkles. It takes commitment and diligence. One of the things I have found most rewarding about being a mother is how God has used is to hack away at my selfishness. There is a battle for the souls of our children and if we are not faithful and diligent to train them and teach them the truths of the Word, we do them a great disservice...the GREATEST disservice. My most important role as a mom is to lead my children to Christ. Though I cannot force their conversion, I can be obedient to the call God has put on my life as their mother and pray that He will honor that.
So, housewife, be encouraged. Yes, you will be tired and your life will seem like the movie Groundhog Day. Spit up and baby poop will become your most common accessories. At times you will feel like all you do is give, but you never "get". Remember, Jesus was a servant leader. And the only thing we ever really need to "get" He gave freely on the cross. So, pull your hair back into a sloppy ponytail, chug some coffee, rub concealer under your eyes, and then focus on the cross as we serve Christ by serving our families!
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Typically, I think women find this image offensive, distasteful, insulting, and possibly even demeaning. All I can say to that is: You have believed the lie. I am in no way offended by the picture of the 1950's housewife. I am not "against" working women, nor do I believe that it is inherently sinful for a woman to work outside of the home. I am, however, against the way that our society portrays the role of housewife. Apparently, we are desperate. "Desperate for what?" you might ask. The only way in which I desire to be desperate is to be desperate for a closer relationship with Christ and a deeper understanding of His Word. Well, we are told they are desperate to get away from their children and desperate to be freed from the oppression that is "housewifery". Surely some women resent their role as woman and would rather shirk their responsibilities than be obedient. They would desire for their husband to suffer for being a man and to cook his own dinner if he wants it. Though the work of a mother and housewife is grueling and calls for supreme selflessness, it is the ultimate fulfillment of God's design for the woman.
I think a lot of women would ask, "Isn't a woman meant to do more than cook and clean?" The short answer to that is yes. But it is through cooking and cleaning and fulfilling my responsibilities within the home that I find so much joy and fulfill God's design. We were designed to be servers and nurturers. That is precisely the reason children run to Mommy when they are hurt instead of Daddy. She has the God-given ability to nurture. When we fight against how God made us we can be persuaded we are happy, but I don't think it is even close to the kind of joy offered in servitude. You do not have to have children to fulfill this call. Keeping your home clean and preparing meals for your husband is fulfilling the call as well. I have found my marriage to be the sweetest when I cease to focus on what I "need" from the relationship and focus on serving my husband. I want to be the equivalent of a priceless jewel in his eyes, not a nag that makes him thankful to leave for work in the mornings.
Admittedly, prior to my conversion being a housewife was more about laziness than it was a fulfillment of my call to duty. Though we are not fighting a physical war, we are in a very real spiritual war. A mother who is truly seeking to be obedient to God has her work cut out for her. It is not all butterflies and sparkles. It takes commitment and diligence. One of the things I have found most rewarding about being a mother is how God has used is to hack away at my selfishness. There is a battle for the souls of our children and if we are not faithful and diligent to train them and teach them the truths of the Word, we do them a great disservice...the GREATEST disservice. My most important role as a mom is to lead my children to Christ. Though I cannot force their conversion, I can be obedient to the call God has put on my life as their mother and pray that He will honor that.
So, housewife, be encouraged. Yes, you will be tired and your life will seem like the movie Groundhog Day. Spit up and baby poop will become your most common accessories. At times you will feel like all you do is give, but you never "get". Remember, Jesus was a servant leader. And the only thing we ever really need to "get" He gave freely on the cross. So, pull your hair back into a sloppy ponytail, chug some coffee, rub concealer under your eyes, and then focus on the cross as we serve Christ by serving our families!
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Statement of Faith
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, more specifically a Reformed Baptist- which in a nutshell means that I believe:
The 5 Solas of the Protestant Reformation
Sola Scriptura - Scripture Alone
Solus Christus - Christ Alone
Sola Gratia - Grace Alone
Sola Fide - Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria - The Glory of God Alone
The 5 Points of the Doctrines of Grace
T Total Depravity of Man
U Unconditional Election
L Limited Atonement
I Irresistable Grace
P Perseverance of the Saints
The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689 London Baptist Confession)
The 5 Solas of the Protestant Reformation
Sola Scriptura - Scripture Alone
Solus Christus - Christ Alone
Sola Gratia - Grace Alone
Sola Fide - Faith Alone
Soli Deo Gloria - The Glory of God Alone
The 5 Points of the Doctrines of Grace
T Total Depravity of Man
U Unconditional Election
L Limited Atonement
I Irresistable Grace
P Perseverance of the Saints
The Baptist Confession of Faith (1689 London Baptist Confession)
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